What is the real motivation behind your intention? Setting intentions based on feelings of fear or necessity will only perpetuate more fear and feeling like you never have enough. Is Your Manifestation Near? Click Here To Find Out 2. The universe responds to clarity and will deliver the things that you want with greater ease when you have a crystal-clear vision of what you’re calling in. The universe is always listening, and it wants to support you in achieving your dreams. ( How To Manifest Destiny Victoria 2 The Easy Way). Now lets get into the manifestation process. Once you gain the powers of manifestation under your belt you will accelerate your manifestation by 10x I promise you. This guide will show you step by step on how to manifesting anything you want in the proper steps and I promise you if you apply these steps to your manifestation goals you will learn How To Manifest Destiny Victoria 2 much faster, much quicker, and with much more ease than ever before. Once you know what manifestation is and how to use it then you can apply it to anything especially. In order to harness the powers of manifestation you need to learn what manifestation is.